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Climax: The Living Cinema

Climax is not a movie like any other. It does not follow cinematic rules. Not the rules of narrative. Not the rules of framing.

The Cathartic Cruelty of WWE

WWE is the contemporary expression of Theatre of Cruelty. Its weekly performances are a callback to the gladiator fights of Roman times.

Rap God: Virtuoso of Low Art

Virtuoso is being able to rap 6.14 words per second. Supersonic speed is showcasing virtuoso.

Sausage Party: Bravery of Honey Mustard

The food in Sausage Party murders their gods. But they do not slip in depressive nihilism. They celebrate instead.

Rick and Morty S4E1: Morty's Blind Faith

Morty’s zombified human vessel becomes a metaphor for people choosing to live life unsatisfied and blind to the possibilities around them.

BBC Dracula: a Vampiric Catastrophe

They lure you with beauty, fear and soft eroticism. That is before they drain all your blood and leave your dying body crying on the floor.

De Feministische Kracht van Merol

[dutch] Haar muziek werkt als een viering voor mens-zijn; of je nou man of vrouw bent. Dit ligt in het hart van het hedendaags feminisme.

The Death of the Influencer

It may be easy to cancel a person, but what should society do with the work they made? Are all the movies Lars von Trier made now evil too?


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